praises to Allah Almighty and Peace be upon the holy Prophet and
his Companians (Sahabas)!! The holy Prophet (
) once defined "Faith"
as advice and included it amongst one of the obligations of our
faith for the Muslim Ummah. Therefore, the universal body of "Tahaffuz-e-Khatme
Nubuwwat" wish to invite the attention of the Muslim Ummah
towards an important universal and religious matter, which is "The
Qadiani problem".
group (the so-called Ahmadi or Ahmadiya group) was founded by one
Mirza Ghulam Ahmed from Qadian, a town in the district of Gurdaspur
in India. He started his campaign by confronting non-Muslims in
polemics. But later on when he found people reposing faith in him
he started making improbable claims. In 1884 he claimed himself
to be a "Mujaddid" of 14th century. In the year 1891 he
disclosed a revelation, viz "Prophet Isa alaihis salaam is
dead and thou art now the promised Masih as described in the holy
Quran and Hadith". In 1892 he claimed himself to be both, Masih
as well as Mahdi. In 1901 he claimed that whereas Christ is described
as a "nabi" (prophet) in a Hadith [Sahih Muslim], therefore,
he too was a "nabi" or prophet. In one of his pamphlets
titled, "Ek Ghalati Ka Izalah" he claimed that he was
exactly the same as Muhammed-ur-Rasool Allah (Allah forbid). In
other words, he proclaimed himself as the re-incarnation of the
holy Prophet ( )
and his prophethood. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad pronounced the following
articles of faith to his followers:
Belief No. 1
That the holy Prophet Muhammad (
) has reappeared in the shape and person of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani,
and in the verse of the Holy Qu'ran "MUHAMMAD-UR-RUSULLAH WALL
LAZEENA MA'HU" Muhammad ur-Rasullah stands for Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
Qadiani. (Ek Ghalati Ka Izalah).
Belief No. 2
The Qadiani faith places Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in the same respect, status,
nomenclature, and honour as that of the holy prophet Muhammad (
). ( Al-Fazl, September 16, 1925, Qadiani Mazhab, p. 275).
Belief No. 3
The Qadiani faith enjoins upon all human beings to accept Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad as we recognise the holy prophet (...............
. . ( ), because from
14th century onward Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is a proclaimed prophet (Tazkirah
p. 260).
Belief No. 4
The Qadiani faith considers Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as Khatam-ul-Anbia,
the last prophet. (Al Fazl, 26th Sept 1915).
Belief No. 5
The Qadiani faith claims that the highest throne amongst the heavenly
thrones is that of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. (Haqiqatul Wahi, p. 89).
Belief No. 6
The Qadiani faith claims that Islam was just like a crescent of opening
night (Shedding no light) while the Islam of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's
time is shining bright like the full moon of 14th night. (Khutba-e-Ilhamiyah,
p. 183).
Belief No. 7
The Qadiani faith claims the spiritualism of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is
much better and comprehensive as compared to that of the holy Prophet
( ). (Khutbat Ilhamiyah,
p. 181).
Belief No. 8
The Qadiani faith claims that in this age following the holy Prophet
( ) alone is not 'madaare-e-nijat'
(basis of salvation), but the madaar-e-nijat' is obedience to Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad. (Arbaeen No. 4, p. 7).
Belief No. 9
The Qadiani faith deems everyone as disobedient to Allah and Rasool
and hell- bound if one does not follow Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. (Istihar
Meyar Alakhbar, dated 25 May, 1900).
Belief No. 10
The Qadiani faith termed all those persons as infidel and outside
the pale of Islam if they did not declare faith in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
even though they did not hear his name. (Aina-e-Sadaqat, p. 35).
above cited beliefs are a few examples of hundreds of misleading and
blasphemous beliefs of the Qadianis. The learned Ulemas from East
to West have therefore, declared in their unanimous "fatwas"
since Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's times that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and his followers
are infidel,"murtad" and "zindeeq""(See Fatawas).
Further more, Rabita Aalam-e-Islami, the paramount religious organization
of the Muslim World, has in its meeting held in April 1974, (Rabiul
Awwal 1394 AH) exhorted all Muslim world to enforce a ban on the activities
of the Qadianis within their countries. The Majma-e- Alfiqahal Islami
in their meeting on 22-28 December, 1985, at Jeddah called Qadianiat
as infidelity and "zindiqah".
first Asian Muslim summit conference in its session held at Karachi
from 6 - 8 July, 1978, passed a resolution against Qadianis. Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad had himself admitted in one of his pamphlets while addressing
his followers that all Muslim Ulemas considered Qadianis as 'murtad'
and liable to be slain. We quote from "Majmu'ah -e-Ishtaharaat,
Vol 3". He says, "Do you think that by living in the Kingdom
of Sultan-e-Room or by building a house in Makkah or Madinah you can
escape the attacks of mischievous people? No, never! But you will
be cut to pieces by their swords within a week. You must have heard
the fate of Sahibzada Maulvi Abdul Lateef, a prominent and respectable
person of Kabul State, commanding a group of followers numbering about
50 thousand. After embracing my faith and being impressed by my teachings
he became opposed to holy war (Jehad), then Amir Habibullah Khan mercilessly
got him stoned to death.
Do you still believe you can live a prosperous life under the Islamic
Sultans? Rather, you will become an opposed target of the Islamic
Ulemas who have already given verdict of your death. You have heard
the "fatwa" of these Muslims who are against the Ahmadiyah
sect. You have heard the fatwa of their Ulema, i.e. you deserve death
in their view. In their eyes even a dog deserves mercy but not you.
The "fatwas" of entire Punjab and India, rather the "fatwas"
of the whole Islamic world have declared that you are liable to be
slain. To loot your property, forcibly to bring your wives in their
matrimonial bond, desecration of your dead bodies and disallowing
your burial in Muslim graveyards - all these are considered not only
justified but pious acts". End of quote.The fatwas of the Ulema
of Islam and the above mentioned writings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed are
sufficient proof to show that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and his Qadianis/Ahmadis
group is a separate entity and not in any way connected with Islam.
the establishment of Pakistan, a large part of Qadiani group as well
as their leaders migrated to the Punjab province, and rehabilated
themselves on a thousand acre piece of land and named it 'Rabwa' for
exclusive settlement of the Qadiani group. Rabwa became a centre of
their nefarious activities, and in a way served as a parallel Government.
Clandestinely they occupied important key posts in Pakistan, supported
by the then Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Chaudhry Zafrullah Khan
Qadiani who recruited numerous Qadianis in Pakistan's foreign missions
and thereby exploited his exalted position for the propagation of
Qadiani faith both at home and abroad. The Muslim Ulemas warned Muslims
against their move, and in 1953 they launched a campaign against the
Qadianis. They demanded that the Qadianis should be declared a 'Non
Muslim' entity. Unfortunately, due to Qadiani bureaucrats holding
key positions, this movement was crushed by the killing of some ten
thousand Muslims. But this did not deter the Muslims at large and
they persisted in their efforts till 1974 when the Government of Pakistan
decided to declare the Qadianis as Non-Muslims. The Parliament accordingly
passed an Act on 7th September, 1974, by virtue of which Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad and his followers were proclaimed non-Muslims under the leadership
of late Zulifkar Ali Bhutto, The then prime minister of Pakistan.
this decision, the Qadiani jamaat kept on propagating its ideology,
articles of faith and exploiting the name of Islam for its missionary
work. It was, therefore, felt obligatory to stop them from such activities
under the garb of Islam. Again due to sustained struggle of Muslims
at large a Presidential Ordinance was issued by the then President
of Pakistan, the late Gen. Muhammad Ziaul Haq, in the year 1984, prohibiting
Qadianis by law to present themselves as Muslims or to use Islam for
the propagation of their faith. They were also prohibited from using
religious hall-marks of Muslims. This was a logical sequence towards
preservation of Muslim identity and to clear the doubts created by
the Qadianis' misguiding publicity. This action also did not deter
them from their negative tactics, and their current leader, Mirza
Tahir Qadiani, set up his headquarters in a place near London and
named it "Islamabad." From here they started a negative
and hateful campaign against Pakistan, duly supported by Western Media
and anti-Islam forces which called for giving religious freedom and
human rights to the Qadiani sect. As a matter of fact when Qadianis
claim their Prophet and religion as a separate entity, and label Muslims
of the world as infidels, then why and how can they be allowed to
use the name of Islam and adoption of Muslim tenets for propagation
of their new religion because this creates confusion amongst Muslims
and debases their religious identity.
It seems proper to mention here some of the activities indulged in
by the Qadianis for the information of Muslim Ummah as follows:
1. The Qadiani group is busy in its propaganda campaign
against the Government of Pakistan and religious circles with active
connivance and backing of lobbies and media of Western countries;
from their base newly created at "Islamabad" in London,
United Kingdom.
2. They have acquired an international channel via satellite
in order to transmit their faith in the guise of Islam. This will
create misunderstanding about Muslim religion amongst those youngsters
who do not possess sufficient religious knowledge.
3. The well-known Qadiani scientist Dr. Abdus Salam
in western media is endeavouring to convene an International Science
Conference with the assistance of certain Muslim and non-aligned countries
with a view to obtaining secrets of scientific developments within
Muslim Countries and to lay hands on the atomic research in Pakistan.
4. Talented young men of Muslim countries are lured
for lucrative jobs in foreign countries. They are asked to fill in
Qadiani forms on the pretext that political asylum will be sought
for their settlement due to their victimisation because of their faith.
Any applications made for political asylum by Qadianis in countries
other than Pakistan, need careful scrutiny through Pakistan Embassies
in those countries.
5. The Qadianis are busy distributing literature as
well as wrong and confusing translations of the holy Qur'an in the
Muslim countries of the world. This is misleading the innocent and
ignorant Muslims, who fall prey to their fraud. We must stop this
nuisance by taking appropriate preventative measures, which, inter
alia, may include the following steps:
A. All Muslim Ummah may regard Qadianis as non-Muslim,
and impose a ban on their activities and organizations. The profundity
of human liberty in Muslim Society, and the enjoyment of fundamental
human rights are unparalleled in the whole history of mankind, whose
sanctity and security is guaranteed to every member within the frontiers
of human decency and conduct and action Qadiani's as non-Muslims engaged
in activities beyond the frontiers of human liberty and fundamental
human rights. Muslim Ummah need guard the pristine glory of human
society enlightened by Islam at all times, by at all costs, at all
places across the national frontiers.
B. Beware of their anti-Muslim activities which include
spying and conveying secrets to non-Muslim countries, particularly
Israel, with whom they have friendly relations.
C. Beware of the legacy of Qadiani so-called scientist,
Dr. Abdus Salam, who was burning with malice and who wanted to entangle
Muslim rulers in favour of the Islamic Science Conference, just to
acquire information and destroy their scientific research technology.
Keep an eye on such activities and do not associate youself in consultations.
D. Inform all international organizations not to accept
Qadianis as Muslims because they have nothing in common with Muslims,
and must not be allowed to offer their identification under the label
of Muslim.
E. The Ulema and intellectuals of Muslim countries have
to apprise the Ummah of the true facts about Qadiani sect and its
poisonous programme and faith.
6. We hope our brother Muslims will realise their religious
and universal obligations and take all necessary actions to suppress
the evil designs of the Qadiani movement.
in conclusion, may we advise you that should
you require further information please contact any office of AALMI